Start Your JourneyThe Urban Warriors Martial Arts Fitness Cub are a group of martial artist dedicated to creating a proactive environment that enhances one’s ability, knowledge, and personal fortitude. Subsequently, promoting camaraderie, sportsmanship, fitness, and martial arts conditioning. Together we hope to create inter-disciplinary repository of purposeful knowledge relevant to martial arts, so, that we may all learn and grow as individuals, as a community, and within respective art form.
Moo Sool Do [ the way of the martial arts] Is a martial discipline created by Grand Master Sun Hwan Chung that fuses Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do Karate, and Hapkido into one art.
Martial Arts Fitness and Conditioning
Our martial arts conditioning program focuses cardiovascular fitness, overall muscle definition, coordination, strength, and flexibility.
Urban Warrior Fitness Events
We host fitness events across Greater Detroit. Keep a look out for our Pop-Up Fitness Events and our 2-hour Urban Warrior Training Events.
Personal Training
Individualized instruction from a certified black belt instructor and or qualified personal fitness trainer.